Summer Courses in Fashion Product Management

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Inés Gonzalez

Inés Gonzalez

Summer Courses in Fashion Product Management

  • Modalidad de impartición
    La impartición del Curso en IED Istituto Europeo di Design - Sede Barcelona es Presencial, en Barcelona.
  • Número de horas
    El periodo en el que realiza el Curso de IED Istituto Europeo di Design - Sede Barcelona es de 2 semanas.
  • Titulación oficial
    Una vez finalizado el programa y aprobados los exámenes correspondientes, el alumno podrá obtener el certificado de cursada.
  • Valoración del programa
    El programa de Summer Courses in Fashion Product Management del IED Istituto Europeo di Design - Sede Barcelona está diseñado para proporcionar a los estudiantes una comprensión integral sobre cómo gestionar productos de moda en un entorno altamente competitivo. A través de un enfoque práctico, el curso aborda las etapas clave del ciclo de vida del producto, desde su concepción hasta su comercialización, combinando estrategias de marketing, branding y gestión.
  • Dirigido a
    Este curso está dirigido a estudiantes, profesionales del sector moda o personas interesadas en desarrollar habilidades específicas en la gestión de productos de moda. No se requiere experiencia previa, pero se valora el interés por la moda y la gestión empresarial.
  • Empleabilidad
    Al finalizar el curso, los participantes podrán desempeñarse como gestores de producto en empresas de moda, consultores de branding o especialistas en planificación de colecciones. Además, este programa ofrece una base sólida para emprender proyectos propios en el sector.
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Comentarios sobre Summer Courses in Fashion Product Management - Presencial - Barcelona - España

  • Contenido
    Fashion Product Management.

    Discover the most effective tools and techniques for strategic and innovative fashion product management.

    Language: English
    Frequency: Evening
    Fruition: On campus
    Duration: 2 Weeks

    A practice-based, creative program in which you’ll learn to use analytical and other methods to optimise every aspect of a collection, from the initial concept to the final customer.

    In this Fashion Product Management Summer Program,taught in English, you’ll acquire the tools and techniques you need to develop innovative fashion product management strategies based on positioning and specific brand values.

    You’ll find out which factors you need to consider in the product's lifecycle, from the initial concept to the day the customer receives it: the scope of the offer, the style of the collections, the level of innovation in the same, the choice of price, process time management and final quality.

    The classes, modules and exercises emulate the management of a professional fashion project and the process involved. The program includes classes on theory, case studies, workshops and talks given by professionals working in the sector.

    Information to decide.

    You’ll discover the basic principles of fashion business management with a strategic and international vision built on creative and cultural foundations.

    Methodology and structure.

    The sessions, modules and exercises of the program develop in a way that emulates the management of a professional fashion project and the process involved. To do this, the course is organised into various sessions: classes on theory, experimentation, practical project development, workshops, and the chance to talk to professionals in the field.

    We’ll use the latest, up-to-date information acquired in theoretical and experimental classes to develop the program projects. We’ll study the success stories of leading companies in the sector and find out how top professionals work.

    The program is structured as a dynamic work-in-progress and includes several practical exercises. Last but not least, talks by experts give students the chance to meet and learn from professionals working with major companies in the sector, eager to pass on their experience.

    Who is it for?

    This is a very useful program for a variety of professional profiles, depending on your goals:

    Fashion design and marketing graduates who want to further their knowledge of the fashion product and open the doors to this professional sector.

    Retail, commercial and sales managers who want to differentiate and develop their skills.

    Creative talents working in a variety of sectors (graphic, interior and product designers) who want to expand and specialise to offer their clients something different.

    Product and production managers, logistics and sales planners who want a more global vision of fashion and a comprehensive understanding of what goes into creating trend-targeted collections to making them a success.

    Visual managers and agencies who want a broader strategic vision of the product, in-store product placement, how and whether it can be adapted to the consumer's needs.

    Why choose it.

    This program gives you a comprehensive overview of fashion product management while leaving no stone unturned. Combine creativity with strategy in this highly sought-after specialisation, and add another feather to your professional cap, one that makes the difference.

    Live this English-learning experience on the IED campus in Barcelona, where students from all over the world meet and exchange ideas. 

    This intensive program includes talks by industry professionals, dynamic classes to give you a realistic taste of the market, numerous practical exercises, and workshops where you can put what you’ve learned into practice.




    The fashion system

    Trend analysis and styling

    Editorialising fashion products

    A critical history of fashion


    Strategic marketing

    Product strategy

    Efficiency analysis

    Style codes


    Sustainable fashion products



    Product processes

    Purchasing, logistics and suppliers

    Merchandising plan

    Product analysis and guidelines

    Product retailing and product management

    Product communication


    Mystery product shopping

    Trend analysis

    The definition of style

    Strategic product project

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