Summer Course in Design - Made in Italy

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Agustin González

Agustin González

Summer Course in Design - Made in Italy

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El Summer Course in Design - Made in Italy es dictado en IED Istituto Europeo di Design - sede Florencia de manera presencial.
  • Número de horas
    Tiene un tiempo de estudio de 4 semanas.
  • Titulación oficial
    El graduado recibe una certificación de estudios al finalizar el programa.
  • Valoración del programa
    El diseño italiano es reconocido en el mundo por la calidad de sus trabajos y este curso pretende dar a conocer sus características. El Summer Course in Design - Made in Italy ofrece un aprendizaje completo sobre el proceso de creación de productos de diseño, sus procesos de manufactura y distribución. Se estudian las fuerzas históricas, culturales y creativas que inciden en el diseño italiano.
  • Dirigido a
    Va dirigido a estudiantes y graduados en Diseño de Producto, Ingenieros de Producto, Comunicadores profesionales interesados en conocer el valor del producto italiano y su diseño.
  • Empleabilidad
    Al completar su formación en este curso de verano, podrá trabajar como Asistente de Producto o Diseñador de Producto, en agencias de Diseño. También crear su propio emprendimiento.

Comentarios sobre Summer Course in Design - Made in Italy - Presencial - Florencia - Italia

  • Contenido
    Design - Made in Italy
    Summer and Winter courses - Florence.

    Credits: 6 CF
    Duration: 4 weeks
    Attendance: full-time
    Language: English

    The course Design - Made in Italy intends to provide a basic understanding of the design industry and Made in italy system. In particular, the program aims at highlighting the close link between the development of a product concept and the manufacturing skills and values.
    The course aims at giving to young designers the awareness of Made in Italy values and a basic understanding of supply chain processes that create the final product quality.

    The course trains junior product designer, product engineers, communication professionals with a proper knowledge about the tangible and intangible values of made in Italy product or craftsmen with a basic knowledge about design.

    The course introduces students to the historical, geographic, artistic and cultural forces that contributed to Italy’s premier role for creative and artistic design in all fields. We consider technology, frequent innovation for craftwork manufacturing approach as the basis of the success of the “Italian design system”.
    The education program explains the socio-cultural environments of major artistic movements and craft-based manufacturing processes. In particular the course focuses on relationship between design processes and the historical “saper fare” (know-how) design industries.  

    The course intends to demonstrate through individual and group presentations how design has multiple implications and applications in the high-end manufacturing processes.

    IED teaching methods require that all the schools:
    • forge strong bonds with the local production and operation systems in their regions; • interface with their benchmark sectors; • evolve depending on the growth standards of their underlying markets and professional situations.

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