Master in Marketing and Sales Management

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Carlos Gómez

Carlos Gómez

Master in Marketing and Sales Management

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El Master in Marketing and Sales Management, se impartirá en modalidad Presencial.
  • Número de horas
    UNIE Universidad, diseñó el plan académico, para que se lleve a cabo en un periodo de 1 año.
  • Titulación oficial
    Tras culminar el tiempo de estudios, la institución te otorga el título de Master in Marketing and Sales Management.
  • Valoración del programa
    El Master in Marketing and Sales Management (Marketing y Gestión de Ventas) es un programa educativo avanzado, creado por UNIE Universidad para proporcionar a los estudiantes los conocimientos, habilidades y herramientas necesarias para gestionar y dirigir actividades de marketing y ventas en un entorno empresarial altamente competitivo. Este Máster combina teoría y práctica, lo que permite a los estudiantes adquirir una comprensión profunda de las dinámicas del marketing y las ventas, preparándolos para asumir roles de liderazgo y gestión en estas áreas. Algunos de sus objetivos son: Desarrollar estrategias que conecten los objetivos empresariales con las necesidades y deseos del consumidor | Liderar equipos comerciales con el objetivo de optimizar los procesos de venta y maximizar los resultados | Aplicar herramientas y técnicas analíticas para evaluar la efectividad de las campañas y las estrategias de ventas.
  • Dirigido a
    Los requisitos pueden variar según la institución, pero generalmente incluyen: Título universitario (preferentemente en áreas relacionadas con negocios, marketing, economía, comunicación, etc.) | Experiencia profesional (algunos programas requieren al menos 1 o 2 años de experiencia en el área de marketing o ventas) | Dominio del inglés (en caso de que el máster se imparta en este idioma).
  • Empleabilidad
    Los egresados de este máster tienen acceso a una amplia gama de oportunidades profesionales, incluyendo puestos como: Director de Marketing | Gerente de Ventas | Consultor de Marketing | Analista de Marketing Digital | Responsable de CRM (Customer Relationship Management) | Director de Comercio Electrónico | Brand Manager (Gerente de Marca). En general, los graduados de este máster suelen ser altamente solicitados por empresas de diversos sectores, como la tecnología, la consultoría, el comercio minorista, la industria farmacéutica, la automotriz y la de servicios financieros, entre otras.

Comentarios sobre Master in Marketing and Sales Management - Presencial - Madrid - España

  • Contenido
    Master in Marketing and Sales Management.

    Become the professional that the business world needs, with the most up-to-date, solid and comprehensive practical and theoretical preparation in the field of marketing and sales management

    Tipo de curso: Master
    Rama del grado: Marketing and Communication
    Titulación del grado: Master in Marketing and Sales Management
    Método: On campus

    UNIE’s Master in Marketing and Sales Management aims to provide you with excellent and specialized competencies by giving you an in-depth theoretical understanding of the fundamental principles, strategies and techniques used in these fields.

    But we are also a university that focuses on the real world of business. That’s why this postgraduate program combines the abovementioned theoretical knowledge with hands-on experiences that will enable you to implement marketing and sales actions aligned with the company’s commercial objectives.

    One of the hallmarks of this program that also sets it apart from other master’s degrees in marketing and sales management is the way it helps you acquire key cross-cutting skills for your professional development: effective communication, teamwork, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making.

    ¿Cuáles son los objetivos de este curso?

    UNIE’s Master in Marketing and Sales Management aims to provide you with excellent and specialized competencies by giving you an in-depth theoretical understanding of the fundamental principles, strategies and techniques used in these fields.

    ¿A quién va dirigido?

    You can study for our Master in Marketing and Sales Management if you have a bachelor´s degree in Business Administration and Management; Labour Relations and Human Resorces; Economics; Marketing and Communication; International Business; Business Analytics

    You can also take it if you have a bechelor´s degree in other areas, but you´ll hace to complete the corresponding complementary courses (no more than 12 ECTS)


    University degree or postgraduate degree.

    ¿Qué distingue a este curso de los demás?

    • The Master in Marketing and Sales Management is a first-class program that combines fundamental theoretical knowledge, tactical aspects, and traditional and digital marketing tools

    • At UNIE we never lose sight of the business approach. That’s why, through case studies and practical experiences, we’ll help you develop skills that you’ll be able to use in real business environments as soon as you complete the program.

    • ur postgraduate program is constantly updated to incorporate the most innovative and cutting-edge trends, disciplines and methodologies emerging in the field of marketing and sales.

    • One of the main aims of our program is to show you how to design and carry out research with rigour and methodology, as well as how to make decisions and identify business opportunities on your own initiative

    • Our curriculum is designed to strengthen your cross-cutting capacity for generating new, different and effective ideas in marketing, advertising, branding and communication campaigns. We prepare you to face the challenges of the creativity market.

    ¿Qué pasará tras pedir información?

    You will have the assistance of an advisor, who will be available to help you with any questions or needs you may have.

    Resumen del Temario.

    In the first semester we’ll help you understand the dynamics of the market and how these dynamics force companies to identify business opportunities, analyse trends, understand consumer behaviour and adapt their marketing strategies accordingly.

    In the second semester we’ll focus on studying tactical marketing and sales management, showing you how to implement the different variables of the marketing mix (price, product, distribution and promotion) and the resulting commercial strategies, which have to be integrated, consistent and effective in order to succeed in the market.

Otra formación relacionada con dirección de marketing

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