Curso en Global Design - Junior

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Carlos Gómez

Carlos Gómez

Curso en Global Design - Junior

  • Modalidad de impartición
    La modalidad que IED Istituto Europeo di Design - Sede Barcelona, decidió para impartir el programa es Presencial.
  • Número de horas
    Se establece un periodo de 2 semanas.
  • Titulación oficial
    Al concluir el curso la institución te otorgará la acreditación correspondiente.
  • Valoración del programa
    IED Istituto Europeo di Design - Sede Barcelona te ofrece este curso, que se enfoca en la importancia de comprender las necesidades y expectativas de los usuarios a nivel global. Los estudiantes aprenderán a realizar investigaciones de usuarios interculturales, a diseñar productos y servicios que se adapten a diferentes contextos culturales y a evaluar la usabilidad de los diseños a través de pruebas de usuario.
  • Dirigido a
    Investigadores de usuarios: Profesionales interesados en ampliar sus conocimientos en investigación de usuarios a nivel internacional | Especialistas en experiencia de usuario (UX): Diseñadores UX que desean mejorar sus habilidades en la creación de experiencias de usuario globales.
  • Empleabilidad
    Consultorías de UX: Realizando investigaciones de usuarios y diseñando experiencias de usuario para clientes globales | Empresas de software: Trabajando en equipos de desarrollo de productos para mejorar la usabilidad de las aplicaciones a nivel mundial | Startups: Ayudando a las startups a diseñar productos y servicios que se adapten a diferentes mercados.
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Comentarios sobre Curso en Global Design - Junior - Presencial - Barcelona - España

  • Contenido
    Curso en Global Desing.

    Develop your creativity and artistic interests on this journey through different areas of design.

    Language: Spanish
    Frequency: Part-time
    Fruition: On campus
    Duration: 2 Weeks

    A unique experience to channel your curiosity, ideas and concerns into the development of creative projects.

    This Global Design Junior Summer Course, taught in Spanish, introduces you to the various disciplines of design (Product, Interior and Graphic design) giving you the chance to experiment with them using specific techniques and tools.

    During the course, you’ll put your creative skills to the test in practical exercises, individual and group projects in which you can express your ideas.

    Information to decide.

    A great opportunity to turn your holidays into a fascinating journey in the world of design, working with like-minded people to put your creative ideas into practice.

    Methodology and structure.

    In this full-immersion course you’ll get a taste of the different design disciplines using the most suitable tools and resources for each particular field. You’ll also explore a variety of different artistic techniques and languages from a global perspective: poetic, visual, plastic, sculptural, theatrical and musical. All the course exercises are structured in the form of a learning experience, creating a work of art with your fellow students.

    To do so, the group uses a mix of tools and knowledge from the world of design and art.

    Who is it for?

    It’s for students aged 15 to 18 years old wondering how to continue their academic education, interested in the different disciplines of design. Young people with creative talent who want to explore and develop their skills will find what they’re looking for in this course.

    It’s also for students who want to take their first steps in world of design, learn how a designer thinks and organises projects, and have a great time doing so

    Why choose it.

    Make your summer holidays something different. Find out just how far your creativity can take you in the world of design. You'll have two weeks to explore numerous paths, tools and techniques; create projects with classmates and discover possible options to continue your studies.

    Live this learning experience on the IED campus in Barcelona, a place where students from all over the world meet and exchange ideas, right in the heart of the emblematic Gracia district.



    Visual Thinking
    Mindmaps and similar mapping tools
    Volume, interior space, visual resources and accessories

    The influence of sensory stimuli
    Thinking strategies

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