Curso - Ingles Elemental A2 - Online

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Comentarios sobre Curso - Ingles Elemental A2 - Online

  • Curso dirigido a
    Este curso está pensado para aquellas personas que quieran expresarse en inglés tanto en el ámbito personal como laboral

    partiendo de lo más elemental enfatizando en conversación.
  • Titulación
    Certificado de Asistencia Curso Ingles Básico A1.2.
  • Contenido
    El Inglés es uno de los idiomas que más nos brindan oportunidades, tanto en el mercado laboral, como en el ámbito académico. Por ello, cada vez son más las personas que se inician en el estudio de esta legua. Con este curso Inglés Elemental A2, podrás aprender gramática básica gradual, vocabulario, y expresiones cotidianas en inglés. Este curso está creado e impartido por Langua Academy de Global Service Language, una plataforma online de enseñanza del Inglés. Para ello, tendrás sin costo adicional, material de apoyo (Guías) en formato digital el cual podrás descargar.


    LEVEL A2:
    • UNIT 0: Course Presentation. You will be able to:
    Know the didactic sequences of each lesson.
    Use learning strategies.
    • LESSON 1: The Wather:
    How’s the weather? You will be able to:

    Describe the weather.
    Make predictions about the weather.
    • LESSON 2: Jobs and Works:
    What do you do for work? You will be able to:

    Say what I do for work.
    Ask and say what someone does for work.
    Say where I work.
    Ask and say where someone works.
    • LESSON 3: Talking about Jobs and Careers:
    Tell me about your job. You will be able to:

    Describe my job Ask about someone’s job.
    Describe others’ jobs.
    • LESSON 4: Food Names:
    What’s your favorite food? You will be able to:

    Name foods I eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
    Name my favorite foods.
    Ask what others’ favorite foods are.
    Talk about why I like or dislike certain foods.
    • LESSON 5: Order a Meal:
    Where do you like to eat? You will be able to:

    Say where I like to eat.
    Order a meal.
    Ask and say where someone likes to eat.
    • LESSON 6: Food Ingredients:
    How do you make that? You will be able to:

    Say what ingredients are in foods I like.
    Describe how to make foods I like.
    Ask others how to make foods they like.
    • LESSON 7: Shopping:
    How much does this cost? You will be able to:

    Ask how much something costs.
    Say why I don’t want to buy something.
    • LESSON 8: Apartments and Houses:
    Where do you live?Y ou will be able to:

    Say where I live.
    Say where rooms are in a house or an apartment.
    • LESSON 9: Describe a bedroom and bathroom:
    I’m glad you’re visiting! You will be able to:

    Describe a bedroom and bathroom.
    Name common things in a bedroom.
    Name common things in a bathroom.
    • LESSON 10: Places to Go:
    Where are you going? You will be able to:

    Describe the location of places I visit.
    Ask for and give directions.
    • LESSON 11: Body and Health:
    My foot hurts.You will be able to:

    Name parts of my body.
    Talk about where my body hurts.
    Talk about causes of injuries.
    • LESSON 12: Health Problems:
    I feel sick. You will be able to:

    Describe how I feel when I am sick.

Otra formación relacionada con inglés

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