Summer Course Graphic Design and Portfolio

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Agustin González

Summer Course Graphic Design and Portfolio

  • Modalidad de impartición La modalidad de enseñanza del Summer Course in Graphic Design and Portfolio es presencial.
  • Número de horas Tiene un tiempo de estudio de 3 semanas.
  • Titulación oficial El alumno recibirá de IED Istituto Europeo di Design una certificación de estudios.
  • Valoración del programa En el Summer Course in Graphic Design and Portfolio se brinda una sólida formación en diseño gráfico a partir de un aprendizaje teórico y práctico. Se aprende a utilizar las herramientas y materiales en diseño, a desarrollar nuevas habilidades con los programas de Adobe Photoshop e Illustrator. El programa se cursa en la ciudad de Florencia y el alumno visita estudios, exhibiciones y workshops con profesionales de la industria italiana.
  • Dirigido a Al ser un curso introductorio no se requieren estudios previos y está abierto al público en general que tenga un conocimiento básico de los temas.
  • Empleabilidad Con lo aprendido en este curso estará en condiciones de aspirar a trabajar en agencias de diseño. También hacerlo de manera independiente.

Summer Course Graphic Design and Portfolio

  • Contenido Summer Course in Graphic Design and Portfolio.
    Summer and Winter courses - Florence
    The course introduces the development of graphic design.
    Utilizing lectures, case studies and site visits to design studios, exhibitions and workshops with Italian industry professionals students will develop a solid theoretical and technical skill set in order to complete a Florence-inspired final project .
    Language: English
    Schedule: This course meets Monday to Thursday with morning and afternoon sessions for a total of 75 contact hours.
    Level and Pre-requisites:  Introductory course; no previous studies within the field are required. However students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the major themes that will be presented.
    Learning outcomes: Acquisition of technical proficiency in the use of the tools and materials in graphic design; Development of new skills using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator; Adaptation of the creative process meet project objectives; Development of a personal portfolio and individual final project.
    Topics Covered: Semiotics, historical background of graphics and design, destination branding, typography and page layout, color analysis, fundamentals of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator including use of layers, colors, text tools, pencil and brushes, picture placement and exporting to diverse media, introduction to developing and maintaining a professional portfolio.
    IED teaching methods require that all the schools:
    • forge strong bonds with the local production and operation systems in their regions; • interface with their benchmark sectors; • evolve depending on the growth standards of their underlying markets and professional situations.

Otra formación relacionada con diseño gráfico