Máster en Educación Museística

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Analisis de educaedu

Inés Gonzalez

Máster en Educación Museística

  • Modalidad de impartición La impartición del Master es Presencial, en Florencia.
  • Número de horas El programa se desarrolla en un periodo de 1 año.
  • Titulación oficial Al finalizar, los egresados podrán obtener la titulación oficial del IED Istituto Europeo di Design.
  • Valoración del programa Quienes estudien el Master en Educación Museística del Istituto Europeo de Design, se encontrarán en condiciones de desarrollar y adquirir conocimientos teórico- pácticos para promover el arte y el patrimonio cultural convirtiendo la educación museística en un viaje atractivo y significativo para visitantes heterogeneos.
  • Dirigido a El programa está diseñado para Profesionales de las áreas de Humanidades, Antropología, Filosofía, Literatura, Estudios Sociales, Estudios de Género, Historia del Arte, Educación Artística, Diseño, Social; Ciencias y Comunicación, que aspiren a especializarse en educación museística.
  • Empleabilidad Los egresados del Master podrán desempeñarse como Educador/a en Museos, Coordinador/a de Programas Educativos; Curador/a Educativo; Especialista en Interpretación; Gestor/a de Proyectos Culturales; Investigador/a Cultural; Consultor/a en Educación Museística o emprender su propio proyecto en el ámbito de la educación y la interpretación en museos, creando programas educativos independientes, desarrollando aplicaciones o servicios educativos innovadores, entre otras posibilidades.

Máster en Educación Museística

  • Contenido Máster in Museum Education.

    Enhance the visitor experience, Museum Education is an essential tool to decipher the past and produce the knowledge of the future.

    Language: English
    Frequency: Full time
    Fruition: On campus
    Duration: 12 Months

    Explore ways to generate new opportunities within the museum education sector by conceptualizing innovative and participatory formats.

    Museums provide a unique environment where the intersection of history and the present is conveyed through visual language, facilitating a heightened sense of observation. Steering and innovating pathways for diverse audiences transforms the museum experience into a crucial instrument for unravelling the past and cultivating knowledge that extends into the future.  

    Methodology and structure.

    The course's multidisciplinary approach will allow you to acquire a broad and highly qualified education in the realm of contemporary museum education. 

    This educational program enables students to engage with key museum venues through an intensive schedule of on-site visits and interactions with professionals in their chosen field. It aims to enhance their existing competencies and instil new ones within a workshop-oriented environment, fostering enduring professional connections between students and their mentors. The professors, all seasoned professionals in the field, will impart diverse methods and practices by delivering theoretical lessons, organizing visits, conducting lectures, engaging in conversations, and presenting case studies. The "learning-by-doing" approach will guide students towards defining their careers. 

    Who is it for?

    This Master program is tailored for students hailing from various parts of the world, individuals with diverse backgrounds in the Humanities (such as Anthropology, Philosophy, Literature, Social Studies, Gender Studies, etc.), Art History, Art Education, Design, Social Science, and Communication, who aspire to specialize in museum education. 

    Why choose it.
    You will glean insights from seasoned professionals in the museum sector, acquiring not just technical knowledge but also an understanding of the dynamics and opportunities that will shape your future career path. The course offers a well-rounded blend of theoretical depth and practical exercises, ensuring a comprehensive education that can be applied immediately. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to collaborate on projects with museums and partner institutions, further enhancing your hands-on experience in the field. 

    The master forms figures that will operate in the context of museums and institutions that will have competences to serve in the education, mediation and/or communication departments.  In the education and mediation departments, professionals draw up the educational projects and coordinate their implementation, identifying the modes of communication and mediation. 

    You will have the unique chance to gain practical experience in international museum education methods by participating in a study trip abroad. This excursion forms an essential component of the Master's program, providing an extensive and enriching itinerary of museum visits and interactions with professionals in the field throughout the program's duration. On these trips, you can completely immerse in diverse museum settings, gaining valuable insights into the distinctive characteristics of collections and cultural interactions offered by each institution.


    Course content

    Final Project

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